Monday, January 26, 2015

What Do Snowmen Do At Night Writing Activity

After reading Snowmen At Night, the children wrote their own stories of what snowmen do at night. Please see the great work that I have scanned for your wonderful viewing.
Cover page done by Madeline and Abrie
And what do you think snowmen do at night?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Do You Want To Build a Snowman?

Winter is a time to find things to do to make sure you enjoy the season. Building a snowman is one of the most enjoyable activities. 

And here is our winter scene where the kids displayed their snowmen made of styrofoam balls, felt clothes, googly eyes and anything the kids wanted to add to their snowmen. Kids are imaginative with their different snowmen.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Jan Brett The Mitten (Story Re-telling and Mitten Art)

The Mitten by Jan Brett is a favourite story about winter. We read the story looking at the pictures and what makes the storybook special (Jan always have pictures drawn below, on the side or top of the pages). 

After reading the story the first time, we went over the story again to find out the sequence of the animals that came into the mitten. For this book, we used the ordinal numbers to note the sequence of the animals. For this activity, we used the ordinal numbers (e.g., first, second, third, fourth, etc.) to refer to the order of the animals. 

At the drama and dance centre, we used paper puppets to re-enact the story. 

Here is the picture of the mitten.

Here are the paper puppets of the animals.

For the art centre, the children did their mittens using construction paper, doilies, feathers, pompoms and markers. And each mitten is a wonderful unique one. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sorting Snowmen, Poem of the Week

The kids coloured and sorted their snowmen from biggest to smallest or vice-versa. See worksheet below.

We encouraged the kids to do their own snowmen. It does not have to be a white snowmen. As you can see below, the children have made their own unique snowmen to colour and sort by size.

Poem of the Week is about Winter Day. The children try to sort out their words on their own by phonetically reading the words. After that, we read it everyday. And after reading the poem, we are learning to sing the poem to the tune of  'This Old Man'.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Graphing about Mittens, Gloves and Bare Hands.

We are talking about mittens and gloves. We wanted to know who went to school wearing mittens, gloves or bare hands. So we had a graph ready for kids to put their names on the correct column.

After graphing by placing their names (green for boys and orange for girls) on the graph, we talked about the data collected. We counted the number of boys and girls on each column, added them to see the total number of children who voted and asked questions to develop critical thinking. Examples of promoting critical or higher level thinking:
- How many more boys and girls wore mittens to school than those who wore gloves?
(Data collected: 20 boys and girls wore mittens and 1 boy wore gloves
One boy answered 19 more boys and girls wore mittens than those who wore gloves!)
- How many more boys wore gloves than girls who wore gloves?
(Data collected: 10 boys wore gloves and 9 girls wore gloves
One boy answered that one more boy wore gloves than girls who wore gloves.)
Then, we display the data for children to look at and think about.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Winter is Here!

Dear wonderful parents,

Welcome back, parents! Ms. Karras and I hope you had a restful and quiet two weeks off during the holidays.

As we move into the exciting second term of the Kindergarten Journey, we will focus on winter themes ( e.g., mitten, snow, snowman) as our children learn about math, language, science and technology. Over the next several weeks, we will focus on several activities to accomplish some of the activities:

  • sorting mittens
  • creating mitten patterns and ordering mittens by size (from largest to smallest or vice-versa)
  • counting buttons on snowman
  • using manipulatives to solve basic addition and subtraction problems
  • measuring the length of a mitten, using various materials (e.g., paper clips)
  • identifying and discussing the seasons and their characteristics
  • graphing activities (e.g., how many wore gloves versus mittens to school today) and achieve critical thinking about the data collected
  • reciting winter poems and songs
  • writing our stories to become books to share
  • recognizing and talking about winter words
Our dramatic centre will focus on a special book by Jan Brett, The Mitten, where the students will use a collection of paper puppets and masks to act out the story and in the extended activity, create their own stories. They will use the puppet centre to re-tell the stories in their own way. Author studies in the future of other books will allow the children to re-tell the story (language centre) and re-enact the sequence of the stories and characters, among many possible activities to stir the creativity and learning of our little ones. 

We will start with the poem folders and continue the borrow-a-book program. Borrow-a-book bags are given every Monday and returned every Friday. The poem folders are given during the weekend and returned on Mondays. Please ensure that the materials are returned so we can have continuity of support at home and at school.

Looking forward to another term with you.

Ms. Karras and Mr. Zamora