Classroom Management is an aspect that you cannot ignore in a Kindergarten classroom. Without it, handling different kids of different ages, backgrounds and abilities would be difficult. Strategies have to come in place to handle the classroom. There are many strategies being suggested by experts and resources. You have to choose strategies that you feel comfortable with.
A kindergarten class needs to provide children with various opportunities of learning at the same time to a certain number of children. Centres are made to give children these opportunities.
Let's talk about classroom management. Here are the strategies that we have implemented in our classroom.
Green, Yellow, Red Faces
Each child comes in at the start of the day and locates his/her name printed on a clothes pin to be placed on the green face. This reminds them that they are starting the day with good behaviour. Just like the lights of a traffic light, the colours indicate the behaviour of the child:
- green - good behaviour
- yellow - behaviour that is given a warning and must proceed with caution. It would be possible for the child to go back to green if he/she does an act of kindness (e.g., helping someone) and fills someone's bucket (we read the story, How Full Is Your Bucket? and follow the big idea of the book - If you do something good, you are filling someone's bucket and if you hurt someone's feelings, you are depleting the good things in his/her bucket.)
- red - behaviour that has been really considered to be inappropriate and parents have to be told about the behaviour (e.g., pushing someone in line, pouring paint on the table intentionally)
Sticker Chart
The child gets a sticker if the child remains on green. For kids at this age to recognize their success, they need something concrete and tangible to aim for as a prize. For 20 stickers, a child gets a prize (e.g., a dinosaur eraser with a dinosaur pencil). As the school year passes, a child will have to earn more stickers to win a prize. Next level is 30 stickers.
Schedule Day Chart, Classroom Jobs
For the children to keep track of the activities of the day, each activity, represented by a laminated strip with the activity name, is placed in the correct period indicated by the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. on the chart. Every time we finish an activity, a child takes the name of the activity down. This is for them to keep track of the day.
Classroom jobs are given to a child everyday. It gives them a sense of responsibility and importance to handle a certain task. The jobs are:
- Centre supervisors (2) - inspect the centres when we clean up. They decide whether a centre has to be closed or not depending on how clean the centre is.
- Toy Managers (2) - pick up the toys if they see it on the ground or the floor on the classroom.
- Equipment Managers (2) - getting the small bins for pencils, crayons and markers during work time and putting them away
- Librarian - handles the books around the classroom and library centre
- Mail Person - gives the mails/correspondences of the day to the children before going home
- Weather Forecaster - predicts/forecasts the weather of the day and graphs it
- Teacher Helper - helps the teacher in various tasks (e.g., doing calendar, counting, accompanying me to do errands like photocopying and giving the copies to Ms. K.)
- Cubby Checker - checks the cubbies to make sure that no clothes, bags or items are on the floor (very significant job especially during winter time when we have big winter coats and boots!)
- Line Leader - leads the line and calls the children by name to line up. He chooses people who are listening and acting well on the carpet.
When Ms. K and I will work with a certain number of kids accomplishing the needed tasks for assessment of their learning, children are given centre time. Centre time allows the child to choose an activity which is play-based and geared towards learning in the different strands (e.g., Math, Science).
Choice Board
Children need to be given a choice about the activity that they want to do for their learning. Thus, a choice board is found in our classroom where a child can choose the centre that he/she wishes to get into. This is to keep track of the number of children at the centre and who is in a given centre . We can monitor who is responsible for the centre if it needs to be cleaned up. A centre is closed up as decided by the centre supervisors to show everyone that all our actions have consequences.
Drama/Puppet Centre
When I play at the Drama/Puppet Centre, I am learning:
- To use my imagination and role play
- To work cooperatively with peers
- To explore elements of drama
- To retell stories or familiar events
- To communicate my ideas with others
- To take turns and use kind words
- To write lists, letters, and notes
- To be a nurturer and care for others
- To use puppets and props to enhance my play and learning
- To tidy up materials when I am finished
Reading/Library Centre
When I play at the Reading/Library Centre, I am learning
- To look at pictures and make meaning
- To love reading fiction and non-fiction
- To identify the types of books I like
- To know about authors and illustrators
- How to point to words and turn pages
- How to sort books into genres
- To use prior knowledge to make connections and ask questions about what I am reading
- To find letters and sight words
- To explore rhyming and opposites
House/Kitchen Centre
When I play at the House/Kitchen Centre, I am learning:
- To use my imagination and role play about the people in my community
- To work cooperatively with peers in taking turns at role playing
- To explore elements of drama/role playing
- To retell stories or familiar events at home
- To communicate my ideas with others
- To take turns and use kind words
- To write lists, letters, and notes
- To use props to enhance my play and learning
- To tidy up materials when I am finished
- To help others in tidying up
Sand Centre
When I play at the Sand Centre, I am learning:
- To use my imagination in creating different things (e.g., castles, towers) in the sand
- To select and use different tools in creating different things
- To create a plan and follow it through
- To create designs with peers
- To communicate my discoveries about sand
- To use problem solving skills effectively
- To explore how tools help me in my creation
- To share materials and tools with others
- To experiment with different ideas in my head
- To develop my fine motor skills
- To discover the properties of sand
Water Centre
When I play at the Water Centre, I am learning:
- To use my imagination in creating different scenarios (e.g., Sea World, sea creatures) in the water
- To select and use different tools in creating my different scenarios
- To communicate my discoveries about water
- To use problem solving skills effectively
- To share materials and tools with others at the water table
- To experiment with different ideas in my head about water (e.g., test tubes)
- To develop my fine motor skills
- To discover the properties of water
Writing Centre
When I am at the Writing Centre, I am learning:
- To select and use different materials
- To experiment with different forms of writing
- To label illustrations and write stories or letters
- To communicate to others through writing
- To use problem solving skills effectively
- To practice pincer grasp while printing
- To learn how to use writing tools like word walls, and dictionaries
- To make labels for things I construct or make
- To share my feeling and ideas in a journal
- To be creative with a variety of materials
- To make signs for other activities I engage in at different centres
Art/Paint Centre
When I am at the Art/Paint Centre, I am learning:
- To use my imagination in creating various art expression
- To learn the different elements of art in my art expression (e.g., line, form, shape)
- To explore elements of drama/role playing
- To retell stories or familiar events at home
- To communicate my ideas with others
- To take turns and use kind words
- To write lists, letters, and notes
- To use props to enhance my play and learning
- To tidy up materials when I am finished
- To help others in tidying up
Math Centre
When I am at the Math Centre, I am learning:
- To sequence and compare objects
- To work cooperatively with peers
- To create patterns and build designs
- To communicate my ideas with others
- To take turns and use kind words
- To measure in different ways
- To name shapes and their attributes
- To make observations and show findings
- To count and recognize numbers
- To investigate new ideas and pectize old ones using a variety of manipulatives
- To organize materials use math words
Science Centre
When I am at the Science Centre, I am learning:
- To wonder and inquire about the world
- To describe patterns and cycles of the natural world and show my understanding
- To make observations about things I see
- To investigate how things work
- To explore and share a variety of tools and materials to carry out explorations
- To pose questions and make predictions
- To use problem solving skills effectively
- To investigate properties of materials
- To sort, classify, and share my findings
- How I can care for the environment
Not really considered as a centre, but children learn a lot when they go for their snack.
Snacking Time
When I go for my snack, I am learning:
- To self-regulate when I am hungry
- About hygiene when I wash my hands
- About table manners and how to be polite
- How I can help the environment by bringing reusable containers and water bottles
- To be independent
- About healthy foods for my body
- To make healthy choices
- To discuss my likes and dislikes with others
- To develop fine motor skills when I open and close containers
- To clean up after myself when I am done
The kindergarten classroom will add more centres as seen fit for the children's exploration and learning.
Please let us know if you have inputs about the centres. And parents are always welcome to share their talents and knowledge so we can create a centre based on your sharing.
We are looking forward to a great year 2014 - 2015.
Please let us know if you have inputs about the centres. And parents are always welcome to share their talents and knowledge so we can create a centre based on your sharing.
We are looking forward to a great year 2014 - 2015.
Wonderful! I didn't know about the classroom jobs. I'm sure the kids love the sense of responsibility.